1920 US Census - John & Sophia Drelich

Gramps ID S0342
Author US Census



Key Value
Census US1920


    1. Broadway near the corner of Rother
      1. Drelich, John [I2737]
      2. Drelich, Walter [I2682]
      3. Gazda, Sophie [I2738]
    2. Drelich, John [I2737]
    3. Drelich, Walter [I2682]
    4. Gazda, Sophie [I2738]
    1. Birth
      1. Drelich, Walter [I2682]
    2. Birth
      1. Gazda, Sophie [I2738]
    3. Drelich, John [I2737]
    4. Drelich, Walter [I2682]
    5. Gazda, Sophie [I2738]
    6. Laborer - Railroad
      1. Drelich, John [I2737]
    7. Naturalization
      1. Gazda, Sophie [I2738]
    8. Sailed from Bremen Germany to Port of New York on S.S. Graf Waldersee
      1. Drelich, John [I2737]