Birth Record - Josesph Stifter

Gramps ID S0549
Author The Church of Saints Nicholas (German: Pfarrkirche zum Heiligen Nikolaus), Lockenhaus, Burganland, Austria (Before 1918 Called, Léka, Vas, Hungary)
Publication information Translation added by T.C. Weichmann November 2018



    1. Birth
      1. Stifter, Joseph [I0175]
    2. Stifter, Joseph [I0175]
    1. Birth
      1. Stifter, Johann [I2132]
    2. Stifter, Johann [I2132]
    1. Art, Anna [I3145]
    2. House 34
      1. Art, Anna [I3145]
      2. Stifter, Johann [I2132]
      3. Stifter, Joseph [I0175]
    3. Stifter, Johann [I2132]
    4. Stifter, Joseph [I0175]
    1. Art, Anna [I3145]
    2. Birth
      1. Art, Anna [I3145]
    1. Roman Catholic
      1. Stifter, Joseph [I0175]
    2. Stifter, Joseph [I0175]